The Econometrics of Multi-dimensional Panels - Theory and Applications
2nd Re-edited, Revised and Enhanced Edition



Chapter 1:
Fixed Effects Models
Laszlo Balazsi, Laszlo Matyas, and Tom Wansbeek
Chapter 2:
Fixed Effects with Partially Penalized Regression
Felix Chan, Laszlo Matyas and Agoston Reguly
Chapter 3:
Random Effects Models
Laszlo Balazsi, Badi H. Baltagi, Laszlo Matyas, and Daria Pus
Chapter 4:
Sparse Estimation of the Variance-Covariance Matrix
Felix Chan, .....
Chapter 5:
Models with Endogenous Regressors
Laszlo Balazsi, Maurice J. G. Bun, Felix Chan, and Mark N. Harris
Chapter 6:
Dynamic Models and Reciprocity
Maurice J. G. Bun, Felix Chan, Mark N. Harris, and Ben Yeo
Chapter 7:
Random Coefficients Models
Jaya Krishnakumar, Monika Avila Márquez, and Laszlo Balazsi
Chapter 8:
Discrete Response Models
Balazs Kertesz

Chapter 9 8:
Nonparametric Models with Random Effects
Yiguo Sun, Wei Lin, and Qi Li
Chapter 10 9:
Nonparametric Models with Fixed Effects
Daniel Henderson and Alexandra Soberon
Chapter 11 10:
Multi-dimensional Panels in Quantile Regression Models
Antonio F. Galvao, Gabriel V. Montes-Rojas
Chapter 12 11:
Multi-dimensional Spatial Panel Models and Methods
Julie Le Gallo and Alain Pirotte
Chapter 13:
Modelling in the Presence of Cross-sectional Error Dependence
George Kapetanios, Camilla Mastromarco, Laura Serlenga, and Yongcheol Shin

Chapter 14 12:
The Estimation of Gravity Models in International Trade
Badi H. Baltagi, Peter H. Egger, and Katharina Erhardt
Chapter 15 13:
Modelling Housing Using Multi-dimensional Panel Data
Badi H. Baltagi and Georges Bresson
Chapter 16 14:
Modelling Migration
Raul Ramos
Chapter 17 15:
Multi-dimensional Panels in Health Economics with an Application on Antibiotic Consumption
Anikó Bíró, Péter Elek, Nóra Kungl, and Agoston Reguly
Chapter 18 16:
Modelling Heterogeneity in Country-Industry-Year Panel Data: Two Illustrative Econometric Analyses
Jimmy Lopez and Jacques Mairesse

Chapter 19 16:
Evaluation of Neural Network Models in International Trade vis-à-vis the Traditional Approach
Ramzi Chariag, Oliver Kiss, Miklos Koren, and Gyorgy Ruzicska